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Getting Started

Help you get started with integrating Super Payments.

Super Payments is for online, remote and in person payments. It is available for for all major e-commerce stores and also support simple manual integration via an API.

E-commerce Integration

If your e-commerce store is built using one of the major platforms chances are we already have a ready-made plugin that makes integration even faster and simpler.

Manual Integration

If you can't find a plugin for your e-commerce platform, or have built your own, here's a step-by-step guide to the Super Payments API to walk through a few simple steps to manually add Super Payments to your e-commerce store.

In Person Integration

You can also use Super Payments In Person in store.


You are responsible for ensuring that clients and servers are negotiating strong TLS ciphers to comply with PCI Requirement 4.2.1.b and 4.2.1.c.

Sign up for Your Super Payments Business Account

You'll need a Super Payments Business Account to integrate with Super Payments and start to receive free instant payments, settlements and refunds.

Sign up for a business account to get access to our business portal. From here you can setup your business, and start taking payments.



Linking your business bank account

During sign up you'll be asked to link your business bank account. Remember to also set a "float amount" so you can use this float to process any refunds for you customers.


We're here to help

Any queries about the best way to implement Super to your store's checkout? Your dedicated Super payment specialist is available to assist with technical queries, or whether you’d like a full site review once you’ve got everything up and running.

Contact us at any time: